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Ferguson – Full of Crap-Flinging Monkeys


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.com

snark 1According to reports after Monday’s meeting of racists and race baiters at the Whitey House…

“Obama made a forceful pledge on Monday to use his last two years in office to address the “simmering distrust” between police and minority communities as he requested $263 million for the federal response to the civil rights upheaval triggered in Ferguson, Missouri.”

Well, FINALLY…a plan to throw taxpayer money at a completely fabricated issue. THAT’S just what we need and, dare I say, for a quarter of a billion dollars, no doubt borrowed from China, Obama should be able to take this from a “simmering distrust” to a FULL BOIL of seething hatred.

The local issue of Ferguson became the subject of a cabinet meeting on Monday and sitting in with the ilk of the regime were…Marc Morial, president of the National Urban League…Janet Murguía, president and CEO of the National Council of La (ILLEGAL aliens) Raza and…Al Sharpton – race baiter emeritus.

Yep…problem solved huh?



So far, in Ferguson, there has been enough liberation of property belonging to others who actually had to pay for it and enough structures there have been built to the ground to total $2 billion dollars which makes the aforementioned $263 MILLION dollars sound rather…insignificant.snark 2

Sharpton is nothing but a crap-flinging monkey.

But the REAL problem in Ferguson, if one listens to the liars, thieves, arsonists, race baiters and tax cheats…is the relationship between those who steal from stores, commit assaults and try to kill the cops and the cops themselves because cops, for some unknown reason, try to enforce the laws and frown upon attempts against their lives.

Flying in the face of rioters and those who suffer from guilt of rioter envy is the fact that cops aren’t meandering about, randomly shooting and killing black people.

The truth is, there’s no need…BLACK people are meandering about randomly shooting and killing black people. In fact, 93% of the murders OF black people in this nation are committed by…OTHER BLACK PEOPLE!!!snark 3

For the record, Obama has not pledged one thin dime of our money toward THAT problem nor has have the likes of Sharpton, Holder, the NAACP, the New BlacKKK Panthers or, for that matter, La (ILLEGAL ALIENS) Raza even seen the need to as much as ADDRESS that issue but we’re ALL supposed to rally behind the death of some puke street thug who had just robbed a store and tried to kill a cop because…

Well, frankly, I don’t know why? Because we need more people in this world with a complete lack of self-respect…a complete lack of respect for others, for the property of others and for the lives of others not to mention a total lack of respect for the law?

Let’s face it…Mike Brown needed to get high, rob that store and try to kill a cop like he snark 4needed a hole in the head.

Well, whatta ya know?

The only half a crumb of truth being used to spin a web of lies about Mike Brown’s demise is that he was unarmed. The other half of that crumb is that Mike Brown was trying to arm himself by beating a cop and taking that cop’s gun.

“HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT” is a bald-faced lie. Brown’s hands were not up, he was not surrendering or complying with the lawful orders of a police officer and the evidence, from two autopsies, credible witnesses whose testimony corroborates the scientific evidence and the testimony of Officer Darren Wilson himself which matches with the forensics proves otherwise. In fact, Brown had already taken five bullets and was STILL coming at Wilson when the final shot was fired.

But now we’re subject to what will be an endless parade of race baiting liars and their grand marshal…Chris Rock who proclaimed that…white people need to own the actions of their ancestors. So…SLAVERY, which ended 150 years ago is why Ferguson is being “liberated and built???”snark 5

Tell ya what Rock…How about you set the standard and own what YOUR ancestors did because…MY ancestors didn’t do anything to YOUR ancestors that YOUR ancestors didn’t do to your ancestors FIRST!!!

Too hard to follow? Okay…Africans were rounded up and sold to white European slave traders by…OTHER…BLACK…AFRICANS!!!

While this in no way excuses the practice, it does lend historical perspective to it, never mind the number of white people who died during the Civil (Rights) War to END the practice altogether but…what liberal really wants to embrace the truth anyway? They’d rather fling crap.

Now we have what are either idiots or liars (I’ll let them choose) in congress giving the “HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT” salute. We have football players doing it too. Don’t let the snark 6evidence get in your way…just keep spreading the lie!!!

Go right ahead and show your support for a common street thug and his whole family of thugs. Please be my guest and show your support for getting high, robbing a store, strong arming a shopkeeper, punching a cop, trying to take the cops gun and coming back at the cop over and over until you’re dead.

By all means…stand with the mother who is facing assault and robbery charges and the step whatever he is gang member with a rap sheet going back to 1996 and who was last seen atop a car in Ferguson yelling, “BURN THIS BITCH DOWN!!!”

It won’t solve the problem but…go right ahead. More monkeys fling more crap.

The problem, by the way, is not white privilege…it IS however, black entitlement.

I don’t care what color you are…black, brown, white, yellow, red or green with purple polka snark 7dots…in a nation of laws, you are not entitled to steal, loot, assault or attempt to kill.

Oh hell no…Now we have actual MONKEYS with their hands in the air just like the mobs of “liberators and builders” in the streets of Ferguson.

No…I’m not being racist by making a comparison between a monkey and black people with this photo. I’m pointing out the difference between the two by asking a simple question…when was the last time you ever saw a monkey burning down a business it relied upon on a daily basis?

NEVER…which makes the monkey smarter than crap flingers in Ferguson.

Now…if I wanted to draw a direct comparison between somebody involved in spreading the “HANDS UP DON’T SHOOT” lies with a photo of an ape…

I’d use THIS one.

snark 9

Just to be clear…the one on the right did not assault and rob its ex mother in law nor did its boyfriend ever issue a “BURN THIS BITCH DOWN” directive.

Look…I don’t expect the mentally challenged mob in the street to believe me…hell…they even called me out by name on Monday night and called ME a racist (among other things) so…they probably won’t like THIS at ALL…

“The true story came out from the grand jury testimony. We have to be really careful with the cops man, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods. We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad.”snark 10

“There is no excuse for people to be out there burning down people’s businesses, burning down police cars. Those aren’t black people, those are scumbags.”

Those aren’t MY words…THOSE are the words of CHARLES BARKLEY who, let’s face it, probably isn’t black ENOUGH for the “HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT” crowd…mostly because he knows how to wear his pants…OVER THE ASS…NOT UNDER THE ASS for the builders and liberators of our society.

This country is full of successful people of the hue of Charles Barkley and they made it, not because or in spite of their skin color but because they earned it…something which the looters and arsonists…the “HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT” morons never will.

Every time Obama or Holder or Sharpton or Jackson…every time some athlete or celebrity perpetuates the lie of “HANDS UP, DON’T SHOOT” so too will the rioters, looters, arsonists and their ilk.


Clearly, a monkey can be trained but a street thug…can’t.


TODAY… Wednesday, December 3rd on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS on CPR Worldwide Media from 2 to 4pm EST Craig and Diane again welcome Mudah Zahrsp promo orangeran who will update us on the happenings in Jordan and the Middle East that the media won’t tell you. 

Also, Craig and Diane will update you on the latest from Ferguson AND…present their SOLUTIONS to end the happenings in Ferguson…and it’s NOT what you might be thinking.

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